Hi, My name is Maria. I am a therapist with a BTEC diploma in Sports massage. I have been working as a therapist since 1995 in the London area. During this time I have gone through 6 massage tables, some good and some bad. While starting out as a therapist I also worked part-time at a therapy supplies store. Because of my experience, I have been asked by a lot of friends and colleagues to help them choose their massage tables with them. This gave me an idea a few years back of writing a magazine article for students and professionals starting out as therapists.
During a recent injury I was unable to work for 3 weeks. I had a lot of time on my hands so I decided to put this website together to help other therapists choose their equipment and give an unbiased view based on my experiences and the experiences of others I have come in contact with.
So hopefully, while reading the articles on this site, you will find a worthwhile and definitive guide to choosing your massage table. If you disagree with any of my comments or reviews please make sure you let me know by dropping me an email or adding a comment on the opinions page above. Perhaps I have missed out on something you feel others would benefit from knowing? I would love to hear your feedback good or bad!
If you like my site please let me know how you get on with your purchase on the opinions & reviews tab.
If you wish to add a review or comment of your own experience and help other people out you can use the your opinions & reviews link above. If however you wish to get in touch for any other reason please get in touch on the address below. It would be great to hear from you!